------prof.drram ,,07838059592(HIV/AIDS SPECIALIST)
It is caused by a RNA virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus which cripples our immunity or fighting system (by depleting T Lymphocytes or CD4 cells and increasing killer cells CD8 cells and later decresing our Humoral antibodies too) and invites multiple infections of bacterial,viral,fungal in origin like Pneumonia,Diarrhoea, meningitis and even tumors in side our body and very serious infections affecting any system of our body and killing human being but its symptoms does come after 6-10 yrs of its first entry either by unprotected sex (without condom with ulcers over vagina or cervix or during mens or ulcers or bleeding from penile or glans area,some time simple semen also transmit it if person has got advanced disease but here it spread only one in 1500 in male and one in 2500 female in vaginal sex but one in 3000 in anal sex,it also spread by kissing,or sucking of breast or female genitilia and vice versa but spreads more if puncture by needle as with drug injectors one in 150 but if contaminated by blood of patient by blood transfusion or by coming in contact with needle of pt whois highly infected mostly with doctors,nurse or relative of patient then chances is one in 50,here i mention that hepatitis B spread by such encounter one in 30 and Hepatitis spread one in 15 (so their chance of spread is much more than HIV )AND THEY TOO ARE TYPICALLY VERY BAD TOO AS ARE NEVER CURED and may cause chronic damage to Liver and its cancer.
Inspite of such damage if pt comes to a Doctor within 72 hours and take POST EXPOSURE PROPHYLAXIS (PEP) MEDICINES then it is completely checked,this virus is very heat labile simple wash with bleaching powder,phenol or simple heating or sun exposure kills it,so proper washing and cleaning afte sexual encounter is also very helpful.But if no such precautions taken so for first few days after encounter it cause mild fever pain in joint ,muscles etc and can subside it self usual serious ymptos comes not before 2yrs after exposure but mostly after 8-10 years so patients usually forget every thing but its virus remain patent inside his body and gradually weakens immunity and gradually invite many infections called opputunistic infections and if patient doesnot take medicines then usualldies within 2-3 yrs but if he starts treatment when his CD4 count is below 350 or 500 then with modern medicines which are called ART OR anti retroviral therapy ( as HIV IS a RNA RETROVIRUS as per viral classification Biologically)then his conditions improved Viral Load or quantity in blood decreases,CD4 or protective cells quantity increases in Blood and with this therapy which is taken daily and for whole life without any break in between from Government sponsored ART CENTRES opened in many medical colleges of our country and every district hospital of country or through HIV/AIDS specialist running private clinic.These medicines are safe and usually gives good control over virus and pt can be away from serious disease manifestation for life but it never cures the disease,he has to liva a good life with no unprotected sex,these patient usually maintain abarrier of mixing their blood,semen with others but sweatt,tears or eating playing or mixing or sharing food in same plate or talking or sharing cloth didnot transmit diseases provided if no ulcer or blood oozing present in patients body which can contaminate the nearby.
Therefore,these patients should be never discriminated from society,every body should welcome and mix with them.Even patient should never feel isolated or depressive as continuos treatment under care of ART CLINIC or HIV/AIDS specialist completely keeps disease under control and patient lives a normal life.after first detection of HIV patient in year 1980,much research has been done and Man has developed many good medicines and knowledge abot this virus and disease as a result of this today a patients lives a normal life with these medicines.Before 2-3 months back in Mississippi in US a child was declared completely cured of HIV as his treatment sarted with this ART medicines within 30 hrs of birth,similiarly 14 French patients who were given ART therapy within 10weeks of infection of HIV remains disease free till today even stopping their medication when viral loas was veryvery low but in these patients virus will remain present but if they lives a good healthy life taking precautions for sex,good hygenic food,excercise and prevention for seasonal diseases.
Therefore we say that any mishappening of unprotected sex under influence of alcohol or any reason stimulating it by mistake or by alluration ask for PEP within 72 hrs,consult HIV/AIDS SPECIALIST and then strat ART THERAPY AS SOON AS CD4 count less tha 500 ,in ART CENTRES ART not given if CD4 count less than 200 as it is Government programme so meicines given free and also first generation drugs and many tests like viral load and sensitivity not done but those who can pay get may consult good HIV /SPECIALIST and may start with few new combined good ART thearpy available in market with CD4 count less as stated above and even viral load,sensitivity,HIV GENOTYPE study etc can also be done and tests for many oppurtunistic infections can be also taken to check them by preventive prophylaxsis.
This Virus replicate and transmutes or changes its strain most rapidly then any other virus discovered so to develop an effective vaccine as we developed for small pox,measels,chicken pox ,polio is not possible.Every year 1-7 millions people dies due to this virus inspite of so much developed health infrastrucuture and treatment modalities.Therefore no effective vaccine against this Virus has developed even recently tried the HVTN 505 VACCINS STUDY ALSO FAILED TO CURE DISEASE AND PREVENT OCCURANCE OF THESE DISEASE IN MASS AS WE CONTROLLED POLIO ,INFLUENZA,SMALL POX.
iNDIA BECAME THE THIRD LARGEST COUNTRY AFFECTED WITH THIS VIRUS so its danger is very alarming in our country as modern urbanisation,modern life style,living in relations,our improving economical and social status ,boon in our it and computer sector and advanced internet surfing and mobile connectivity and developed transport ,more intake of alcohol/drug or other sducive advertisement or stimultants ,more modern parties singing,dancing and mating has brought more sexual exposure of young and middle and any unprotexted sex or even protected hasty sexual exposure definitely increases risk of this disesase in our society and many our health projects are conducted in civil hospitals or medical colleges where our middle or urban educated youths hardly go for checkups,didnot yield real picture of this virus incidence or prevalence where our Government is always insisting on hiding statistics and data to earn good name and fame to digest many government and international aid funds for this disease,so we,the people ,have to be more cautious to save ourselves from this disease or its threat to curb this virus nipped into bud by early reprting to HIV/AIDS SPECIALIST for its entry ,detection and treatment.
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