Some people vouch for the effect of foods on their sex drive, but extravagant claims for aphrodisiacs are not borne out by scientific studies. While sexual function may be our physical response to a cascade of hormones, sexual drive is basically maintained by an active mind in a healthy body. Here are the essentials:
.A healthy sex life depends on good nutrition. Good nerve function, healthy hormone levels, and an unobstructed blood flow to the pelvic area are essential to sexual performance. To keep these systems in working order, a diet should be based on legumes, grain products, and other complex carbohydrates, with plenty of fruits and vegetables and modest levels of protein; this diet provides plenty of vitamins and minerals. Particularly important are citrus fruits for vitamin C to strengthen blood vessel walls, and low-fat dairy products, enriched or fortified cereals, whole grains, and green vegetables for riboflavin to maintain the mucous membranes that line the female reproductive tract.
. Vitamin E and sexual function. Although there are no confirming clinical studies, many experts believe that without a good supply of this vitamin from oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, green vegetables, and wheat germ, sexual function is likely to suffer.
. Get going. Fatigue and depression are common culprits in sexual complaints. These conditions are often linked, and both may be helped by a program of regular exercise, which stimulates the production of endorphins (mood-elevating brain chemicals). In some cases, iron-deficiency anemia may be responsible for fatigue. A diet that includes meat, fish and shellfish, nuts and seeds, legumes, enriched or fortified grains and cereals, leafy greens, and dried fruits helps to replenish iron stores.
. Get zealous over zinc. It is known that zinc is tied to sexual function, although its importance to the sex drive has yet to be explained. Without enough zinc, sexual development in children is delayed, and men, too, need zinc to make sperm. Zinc is found abundantly in foods of animal origin, including seafood (especially oysters), meat, poultry and liver, as well as eggs, milk, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
. Minimize saturated fats. People readily accept the link between a high intake of saturated fats, elevated blood cholesterol levels, and a buildup of atherosclerotic fatty plaques on the blood vessels around the heart. It’s less well understood, however, that similar plaques develop on the myriad tiny vessels in the penis. Without free-flowing circulation, the penis cannot physically respond to messages from the sex drive.
. Curb alcohol, knock-out nicotine. Alcohol’s effect on sexual function was neatly stated by William Shakespeare, who noted that wine “provokes the desire, but takes away the performance.” Excessive alcohol lifts behavioral inhibitions, but this liberating
effect may be canceled out by its depressant effect. Alcohol also has an action similar to the female hormone estrogen. This can have a devastating effect on masculinity, causing impotence and shrinking of the testes in men who drink heavily. Nicotine, on the other hand, is an enemy of the arteries. Nicotine not only promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the penile blood vessels but also constricts them.
• IN SOUTH CAROLINA USA,study of effect of NICOTINE & ALCOHOL ADMINISTRATION on young and adult male and female mice revealed that after injecting these there was hypothermia and decreasd locomotor Sexual Behavior no effect seen on young mice with either alcohol or nicotine except disturbed locomoter activity leading to less performance but in adult particularly female showed no effect with Nicotine(no enhancement of sex seen too)but with Alcohol less locomoter and hypothermia affected their performance.Nicotine usually causes a long term effect by allowing more deposit of cholesterol on innerlying of Blood Vessels supplying Blood to Penis,Hear,Brain,Kidney (A disease called Atherosclerosis,also seen with Diabetic as in middle aged person ,in obesity or hyperliidemia or todays metabolic disorder patients) thereby causing an ischemia or less oxygen supply so nood erection,early exhaustation and behavioral changes due to secretions of endorphins.Beside Nicotine,chronic Acholism or chronic liver disease is also associated with more Atherosclerosis and less protein leading to less mucular activity and weakness beside accumulation of water in abdomen or ascites,or around penis may hampersexual life badily.
• Thus Many people seem to think that a good, stiff drink heightens the sexual experience. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Alcohol is a depressant, and, when consumed in more than small amounts, it really reduces the ability to have an erection. And it's well known that alcohol can have harmful effects on the body that can cause many long-term health problems, including physical problems with having and maintaining erections. Cutting back on or giving up alcohol altogether can have many healthy benefits, including eliminating a major cause of Ed(ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION,FAILURE OF ERECTION OF PENIS).
Nicotine has both an immediate and a long-term effect on erections. Nicotine directly interferes with the nerve pathways that produce and maintain an erection, and tobacco smoke causes heart disease and circulatory problems that reduce the supply of blood to the penis and destroy the flexibility of tissues. There really are no good reasons to smoke, but who would have thought that a better sex life might be a reason to quit? It's true, but it's wise not to expect miracles, either. Cutting back on alcohol and quitting smoking won't restore full potency overnight, and you may never restore the vigor you once had.
Some people vouch for the effect of foods on their sex drive, but extravagant claims for aphrodisiacs are not borne out by scientific studies. While sexual function may be our physical response to a cascade of hormones, sexual drive is basically maintained by an active mind in a healthy body. Here are the essentials:
.A healthy sex life depends on good nutrition. Good nerve function, healthy hormone levels, and an unobstructed blood flow to the pelvic area are essential to sexual performance. To keep these systems in working order, a diet should be based on legumes, grain products, and other complex carbohydrates, with plenty of fruits and vegetables and modest levels of protein; this diet provides plenty of vitamins and minerals. Particularly important are citrus fruits for vitamin C to strengthen blood vessel walls, and low-fat dairy products, enriched or fortified cereals, whole grains, and green vegetables for riboflavin to maintain the mucous membranes that line the female reproductive tract.
. Vitamin E and sexual function. Although there are no confirming clinical studies, many experts believe that without a good supply of this vitamin from oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, green vegetables, and wheat germ, sexual function is likely to suffer.
. Get going. Fatigue and depression are common culprits in sexual complaints. These conditions are often linked, and both may be helped by a program of regular exercise, which stimulates the production of endorphins (mood-elevating brain chemicals). In some cases, iron-deficiency anemia may be responsible for fatigue. A diet that includes meat, fish and shellfish, nuts and seeds, legumes, enriched or fortified grains and cereals, leafy greens, and dried fruits helps to replenish iron stores.
. Get zealous over zinc. It is known that zinc is tied to sexual function, although its importance to the sex drive has yet to be explained. Without enough zinc, sexual development in children is delayed, and men, too, need zinc to make sperm. Zinc is found abundantly in foods of animal origin, including seafood (especially oysters), meat, poultry and liver, as well as eggs, milk, beans, nuts, and whole grains.
. Minimize saturated fats. People readily accept the link between a high intake of saturated fats, elevated blood cholesterol levels, and a buildup of atherosclerotic fatty plaques on the blood vessels around the heart. It’s less well understood, however, that similar plaques develop on the myriad tiny vessels in the penis. Without free-flowing circulation, the penis cannot physically respond to messages from the sex drive.
. Curb alcohol, knock-out nicotine. Alcohol’s effect on sexual function was neatly stated by William Shakespeare, who noted that wine “provokes the desire, but takes away the performance.” Excessive alcohol lifts behavioral inhibitions, but this liberating
effect may be canceled out by its depressant effect. Alcohol also has an action similar to the female hormone estrogen. This can have a devastating effect on masculinity, causing impotence and shrinking of the testes in men who drink heavily. Nicotine, on the other hand, is an enemy of the arteries. Nicotine not only promotes the formation of atherosclerotic plaque in the penile blood vessels but also constricts them.
• IN SOUTH CAROLINA USA,study of effect of NICOTINE & ALCOHOL ADMINISTRATION on young and adult male and female mice revealed that after injecting these there was hypothermia and decreasd locomotor Sexual Behavior no effect seen on young mice with either alcohol or nicotine except disturbed locomoter activity leading to less performance but in adult particularly female showed no effect with Nicotine(no enhancement of sex seen too)but with Alcohol less locomoter and hypothermia affected their performance.Nicotine usually causes a long term effect by allowing more deposit of cholesterol on innerlying of Blood Vessels supplying Blood to Penis,Hear,Brain,Kidney (A disease called Atherosclerosis,also seen with Diabetic as in middle aged person ,in obesity or hyperliidemia or todays metabolic disorder patients) thereby causing an ischemia or less oxygen supply so nood erection,early exhaustation and behavioral changes due to secretions of endorphins.Beside Nicotine,chronic Acholism or chronic liver disease is also associated with more Atherosclerosis and less protein leading to less mucular activity and weakness beside accumulation of water in abdomen or ascites,or around penis may hampersexual life badily.
• Thus Many people seem to think that a good, stiff drink heightens the sexual experience. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Alcohol is a depressant, and, when consumed in more than small amounts, it really reduces the ability to have an erection. And it's well known that alcohol can have harmful effects on the body that can cause many long-term health problems, including physical problems with having and maintaining erections. Cutting back on or giving up alcohol altogether can have many healthy benefits, including eliminating a major cause of Ed(ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION,FAILURE OF ERECTION OF PENIS).
Nicotine has both an immediate and a long-term effect on erections. Nicotine directly interferes with the nerve pathways that produce and maintain an erection, and tobacco smoke causes heart disease and circulatory problems that reduce the supply of blood to the penis and destroy the flexibility of tissues. There really are no good reasons to smoke, but who would have thought that a better sex life might be a reason to quit? It's true, but it's wise not to expect miracles, either. Cutting back on alcohol and quitting smoking won't restore full potency overnight, and you may never restore the vigor you once had.
Smoking or Alcohol doesnot produce any change in 'CUM OR SPEM SECRETION " OR TIS TASE AS sperm is secreted from TESTES where smoking or nicotine or Alcohol has got no effect but a lady under inflence of nicotine or Alcohol may feel it as more tasty and weety,which is a myth.
But smokers and drinkers who clean up their acts see improvement in their sex lives and their overall health.Similiarly any drug puff in any form as Afim,Charas,Ghanza, Heroin, Marihuana,Bhang,or any opoid drug doesnot help but rather distracts us from this act and performance is badily affected and satisfication is hardly recognized by either partner if both consume it as till act is completed Sleep or somania or delusion or unconsciousness takes them in its complete grip.
Therefore Average Physique with good mental relaxation having normal homely diet fortified with milk products and green vegetables is enough for good performance,no need of any specialized high proteinous food with eggs or meat or keshar or Dalchini or dry fruits ,neither Alcohol or Smoking or any other liquid ingestion or puffing of cocaine,Hukas,Ganza,Morphine, opium ,marihuana or puff of Afim or other Opiod drug stimulate it and helps in better erection,performance and satisfication except initial our slight inhibition over brain to recognize guilty or some thing bad or abnormal consciousness while some one performing in public with a strange or other partner not as wife husband or in living relation
Therefore Average Physique with good mental relaxation having normal homely diet fortified with milk products and green vegetables is enough for good performance,no need of any specialized high proteinous food with eggs or meat or keshar or Dalchini or dry fruits ,neither Alcohol or Smoking or any other liquid ingestion or puffing of cocaine,Hukas,Ganza,Morphine,
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