NATIONS AIDS CONTROL SUPPORT PROJECT(NACSP) ,apilot project of NACO TO START ITS 4TH PHASE OF NATIONAL AIDS CONTROL PROGRAMME AFTER THE WORLD BANK  IN WASHINGTON, May 1, 2013,approved the fourth of a series of credits aimed at supporting India’s AIDS control program has been approove by our cabinet committee of Economic affairs for the implementation of the National AIDS Control Support Project (NACSP) at a cost of Rs. 2,550 crore.The project will be financed by a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) – the World Bank’s concessionary lending arm – which provides interest-free loans with 25 years to maturity and a grace period of five years.

The NACP is financed by the government and the World Bank in equal proportion. This project will contribute towards intensifying and consolidating prevention services with a focus on highly vulnerable populations, high risk groups and bridge population, strengthening Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) and demand generation, and institutional strengthening and financial management. This project would help in providing the desired impetus required for further consolidation of gains made in containing the spread of HIV infection in the country.So far the World Bank has provided a total of $525 million under the last three projects.
              The new project will support the government of India’s National AIDS Control Program IV (NACP IV- 2012-2017) that focuses on prevention, behavior change communications and institutional strengthening. NACP IV will build on the successful experience of NACP III (2007-2012), which was focused on prevention programs, complemented by care, support, and treatment of people living with HIV and AIDS. The rate of new HIV infections fell by nearly 10 percent during the National AIDS Control Project III (NACP III).The project will support the Department of AIDS Control and the National AIDS Control Organization in undertaking prevention programs as well as expand communication and advocacy programs that promote safe behavior and discourage stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS.

            India has made impressive progress and is on track to meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halting and reversing the HIV and AIDS epidemic by year 2017. However, with some 2.4 million Indians living with HIV-AIDS, it still ranks third after South Africa and Nigeria. The Indian HIV epidemic scenario is characterized by concentrated epidemics among the high risk groups. It is a highly diverse and heterogeneous epidemic scenario, driven by sex work(CSW AND FSW), unprotected sex among men who have sex with men(MSW), and injecting drug use(IDU),trans gender(TG).The National AIDS Control Support Project aims to reduce new HIV infections by expanding the reach and coverage of quality targeted prevention interventions to these high risk groups over the next five years and also include Truck Drivers and Migrating labors into its bracket too curb HIV.

                “India is fortunate in having successfully safeguarded 99 percent of its population from HIV but the low prevalence rate should not lull us into complacency. Without strongly sustained prevention programs among those at highest risk, the gains made in the fight against this epidemic could yet be lost,” said Onno Ruhl, World Bank Country Director for India. “HIV and AIDS also have an enormous disproportionate impact on vulnerable groups and on poor households with less access to information, preventive services and treatment.” he added.

             Over the last decade, there has been a reduction of 57 per cent in the new HIV infections and 29 per cent reduction in AIDS-related deaths. This has led to the recognition of India`s HIV programme as a global best practice, and has been an important factor behind the decision of the World Bank to support the prevention component of the HIV programme Although the prevalence rate in India is low (up to 0.5 percent), there are varying trends within and between states, which require scaling up of targeted interventions among vulnerable groups at high risk for HIV infection.
             Therefore any satisfication on this data cannot be accepted and that is why IEC programme and continous monitoring in our ICTC centres for targeted people is must otherwise such statistics already strictly calculated in Gonernment vigilant scenario lashed with excessive funds of WORLD BAK,BILL GATES AND OUR HEALTH FUNDs may not represent true incidence or prevalence as Therefore any satisfication on this data cannot be accepted and that is why IEC programme and continous monitoring in our ICTC centres for targeted people is must otherwise such statistics already strictly calculated in Gonernment vigilant scenario lashed with excessive funds of WORLD BAK,BILL GATES AND OUR HEALTH FUNDs may not represent true incidence or prevalence as calculated as OPEN SEX ADVERTISEMENT IN NEWS PAPERS AND ON TV FOR ESCORT SERVICES,EASILY AVAILABLE ESCORTS OF FLYING OR COMMERCIAL SEX WORKERS,GIRL TRAFFICKING,INCREASED DRUG INJECTORS,HUGH MIGRATING LABORS AND EXCESSIVE TRUCK DRIVERS,FREE MOVING TRANS GENDERS,LIVING RELATIONS,GROWING ECONMY LEADING TO 24 HRS RUNNING BAR,DANCING FLOORS,HUA CLUBS AND INCREASING CRIME OF RAPE IN SOCIETY WILL increase AIDS / HIV definitely whereas our government statistics will give very low rate well amnipulated and formulated in AC CHAMBERS OF EXECUTIVES who do conferences in big hotels ,bring filmmy stars to PROMOTE HEALTH AIDS AWARENESS but hardly go to these target peoples or common people dying with AIDS as how much they are sufferings except photosessions to release their greatness in media,so reality may be something different and like MALARIA AND POLIO ERADICATION there may be leak in such good programme too as in urban or rural area we donot see much on ground except in closed doors of ART CENTRES OF GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL where most of our middle class and even just affluent poor class donot like to go.
