MULTIVITAMINS,MINERALS IN MICRO DOSES AND MANY ENZYMES : are so commonly and openly sold in open market through big bold advertisement on different news papers,on electronic media -TV broadcasting programme for 1-2 hours constantly hammering us with audovisual presentations and romantic films occupying even spaces of national news broadcasting channels and on internet occupying advetisement space of Social media sites completely with representation on different food items like oils,ghee,atta,flour,salt,
sugar,preserved vegetables,packed food stuffs etc with continuos reminders that Vitamins and minerals are very important for our body,they give a lot of strength to us and save us from diseases like CANCERS  of food pipe as tongue,lips,pharynx, oesophagus,liver,stomach,colon,pancreas,breast,cervix,blood and different other organs like bone,nerves,muscles,skin etc.they openly propgates that Vitamins keep or muscles and nerve in order,promotes hairy growth,good complexion of skin of face and limbs,keep our eye sight perfect and brain memory and intelligensia at highest level.Vitamins helps in gaining good height,fair complexion,our muscles,nerves and bone more stronger to built a good physique or protect our body if we want to slim by dieting.
           They advise many dietary products and food supplements which are mostly simple food proteins mixed with highly riched Multivitamins,Enzymes and Minerals with adjectives like Antoxidants,Micro rejuvenators,tissue oxygenerators and repairers,anticarcinogenic,anti atherosclerotic, energisers,body builders etc,sothat we loose wight only without any effect on body's day to day activity.Similiary for Diabetic patients and Sick or severly sick patients of diseases like Cancer,TB or Gastro Intestinal tract,liver,Pancreas,Chronic Kidney,Lung,Bone,Nerve & Brain Diseases,Infertility,Sexual Weakness,Mental and Psychic Discomforts,they are advertised as if if they are only protector.These are advertised as the most essentials for Body Builders,Boxers,Players etc.      
           These products although combination of simple proteins with added vitamins but  are quite costly,packed and maketed in very colorful,cosy and attractive packings with photos of body builders and macohs displayed or supplied with cd ,they produced and marketed by every other good company these are not available only in Grossary stores or Online stores  but through these comanies they are reaching our homes directly as they have made us their business partner and promoter of their products,even many SLIM centres,Body Building Centres,Spas,Body message,Physiotherapy,Yoga and Modern Physique caring Excersise,Dieting and Nutrients  centers and parlours openly promote and sell them not only in form of modern medicine drugs but also in form of Ayurvedic, herbal,homeopathic, natural,food products.
             Multivitamins are a group of Biochemical sustances grouped as Viamin A(Mostly for eye sight,skin and sperm modifier) ,B complex(B1-B12,mostly for nerve & muscles rejuvenator and helper for different blood cells ),Vitamin C(helper for blood clotting and immuno mdulator),Vitamin D(bone fortifier and Calcium aborption),Vitamin K(blood clotting),Vitamin E (in growth and epithelisation) and many Enzymes (Secreted from salivary gland,pancreas,liver,stomach,intestines etc to help us in digestion of food) and many minerals(except like Iron Calcium,Sodium, Potassium,Phosphorous needed mostly and should be supplemented by food containg them or externally)as selenium,copper,iodine,Mangenese, chloride, Magnasium,cadamium etc are needed only in micro amount hardly need s any supplementation.These products are so commonly present in our Normal diet that hardly any one need extras upplementation inform of drug or as with food provided if  we take mixed food as food containing creals having carbohydate like,Atta,flour,suzi,sugar,cherry,proteins as differnet Dals,soya,grams,peas,cheese,diary products or muscles,eggs,bones,liver of different  animals if we take non veg diet (Non veg supplemnt is not very much required provided  Vegetable protiens if taken by different vegetable sources) and fat dervied from different diary products collected from Animals or plants along with fruits and green vegetables except during pregnancy (where Iron and Folic acid is required) and early childhood,Puberty or any specific disease (as in Iron defiency Anaemia -Iron,in Scruvy- Vitamin C,In Beriberi-Vit B1,in rickets Vit D,in liver diseases Vit K,in Pancreatic Diseases-Enzymes, in Osteoporosis and PostMenopausal Calcium  .
               Beside above briefly mentioned and few more specific conditions and diseases hardy we need Vitamins,Minerals,Enzymes  supplemention provided we take simple ordinary diet having combinations of commonly available cereals,protiens,fat,diary products,vegetables,fresh salads,fruits as a whole or  mixed with water and different juices with regular physical excersies,pranaayams/yoga/walk/indor out door games with personal hygenic care by bath/brush etc,avoiding smoke,dust and pollutants as far as possible in home or working place our Body will remain fit and healthy no needing any thing extra.Even we take more Vitamins/Enzymes or Minerals our body system maintenance such equilibrium that these are not absorbed from our intestines into our Blood and merely ecreted out in stool or even absobed our Kideny filter them out in our urine as they are not required by our organs.So it is a simple wastage of our effort /money ,they simply provide us PLACEBO OR MAY I PLEASE YOU. 

              Few recent studies as published in Modern Scientic Medical journals also establishes these well known facts as enumerated below along with refrenshes:------------
                       A large randomized trial of multivitamins, involving over 14,000 men has demonstrated a small, statistically-significant reduction in total cancer risk in the multivitamin group (1). The study included male physicians 50 years and older at recruitment. At a mean follow-up of 11.2 years, there was a reduction in total cancer from 18.3 to 17.0 events per 1000 person-years but there was no impact on cancer mortality.
  • In the past a systematic review of 38 studies found that neither vitamin C nor vitamin E supplementation was beneficial for prevention of cancers (2).
  • A 2006 NIH consensus concluded that "present evidence is insufficient to recommend either for or against the use of multivitamin supplements by the American public to prevent chronic disease" (3).
  • A long-term randomized trial in women found no evidence that supplementation with vitamin C, E, or beta-carotene decreased cancer incidence or mortality (4).
  • Two long term observational studies found no association between multivitamin use and risk of cancer. (5,6)
Currently it has not been established that multivitamin and mineral supplements provide added benefit to a balanced, healthful diet for most individuals.
  1. Gaziano JM, Sesso HD, Christen WG, et al. Multivitamins in the prevention of cancer in men: the Physicians' Health Study II randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2012;308:1871.
  2. Coulter ID, Hardy ML, Morton SC, et al. Antioxidants vitamin C and vitamin e for the prevention and treatment of cancer. J Gen Intern Med 2006;21:735.
  3. NIH State-of-the-Science Panel. National Institutes of Health State-of-the-science conference statement: multivitamin/mineral supplements and chronic disease prevention. Ann Intern Med 2006; 145:364.
  4. Lin J, Cook NR, Albert C, et al. Vitamins C and E and beta carotene supplementation and cancer risk: a randomized controlled trial. J Natl Cancer Inst 2009;101:14.
  5. Neuhouser ML, Wassertheil-Smoller S, Thomson C, et al. Multivitamin use and risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease in the Women's Health Initiative cohorts. Arch Intern Med 2009;169:294.
  6. Park SY, Murphy SP, Wilkens LR, et al. Multivitamin use and the risk of mortality and cancer incidence: the multiethnic cohort study. Am J Epidemiol 2011;173:906.
