& sex Specialist,drnakipuria@gmail.com,09434143550
Motherhood is a greatest thing,on this Motherhood our Human raace exist
or we Human Being are on this Earth and it comes through Pregnancy or Formation
of Human Embryo inside Uterus or womb of a Mother after meeting or
Fertilisation of Woman Egg from its ovary by process of Ovulation by A Sperm
of Male Partner deposited or ejaculated
by meeting or Sexual Intercourse.
But Motherhood or Pregnancy is the
most prestigious and will or wish or
demand of most of Woman or of our society but some time it is not wanted as not
desired by couple or achieved by an act of violence or pressure or alluration
in early or late age or conceived by a Mother suffering from serious diseasesor
an environment not accepted by her family or society ,and the cople of woman
wants this pregnancy get aborted .but a large number of cuples are not that
lucky and doesnot get Pregnancy even trying badly for it taking allmethodology
of getting pregnancy and precautions to
preserve it to full term till getting healthy Issue or baby.
As stated medically that any woman
after puberty usually after 13-14 yrs of age till Menopuae when Ovum or Egg
formation and release is possible pregnancy is possible after simple meeting
with male partner irrespective of how strong or scientific this meeting
is?Medical science is a science but with many exceptions as some time Pregnancy
doesnot result inspite of taking many precations and adapting many csientific
procedures and methods to get Pregnancy but some time it comes with simple
meeting in irregular and unwanted postures and even breaking barriers of many
level of contraception like Condom,IUCD,Pills,Surgical procedures,Post Coitus
Pills and even methods of Abortions what to talk of adapting simple principle
of meeting after Fertile period (12-18th day )of menstrual
cycle,Ejaculating outside,washing ,Erect postures etc.
But many times, Getting Pregnant maybe
the difficult and hardest of all things,
and , some couples do find it hard to conceive inspite of no obvious cause for
it as both Partner are matures adults where masculity or feminism is well
demonstrated physically,no obvious disease
like weakness,loss of Libido or desire to sex,any difficulty in sexual
activity as Vaginism (Tightening of Vagina by female involuntarily due to
previous stress denying any penetration),ill developed External Genitilia and
secondary sexual characters,Early fall,Failure of erection(ED),Loss of
penetration ,very small and rudimentary small penis ,absence of Ovulation,or less spermcount
ofr defective sperms,antibodies for sperm at Cervical /vaginal secretions ,Absent
Ovaries,Damaged or defective Fallopian tubes,congental Anomaly of Uterus or
cervix or damage to Tubes,Uterus or cervix by infection like TB,Gonorrhoea and
other Sexual Transmitted Diseases or any other serious diseases of Kidneys,heart,lung
brain and nervous system prsent.
In 20-30% of Infertile Couple no obvious
cause of infertility present and usual methods donot result in
pregnancy,Secondly it is very important that just in few chances or months
Cople cannot be termed as infertile as normally after good meeting chances of
getting pregnancy is only 20% ,so a period of ONE YEAR of intense meeting with simple Measures as stated
below should be adapted before decalring any Couple Infertile if such
procedures doesnot yield a pregnancy or conception whether it reaches to full
term birth of a Baby or not.
In this article we shall focus on
simple measures and postures to be adapted by a married couple to get Pregancy
when they plan or decide for a pregnancy as per their will.Principle of pregnancy
lies in fact of meeting of Sperm with
Ovum or Egg inside Fallopian tube or
uterus of Female by simple Intercourse.A sperm once ejaculated inside vagina
lives for 03-05 days and travel through cervical or outer womb or uterus
opening but an Ovum or egg secreted in peritoneal cavity and then picked up by
Fimbriae of Tube persist for 02 days only so a Couple having Sex during 10-20th
Day of menstrual Cycle (commencing from Ist day of Bleeding counting bleeding
normally for 03 days )also called as Fertile period of Menstrual Cycle,so
meeting during this period or during Middle half ofMenstrual cycle yield Pregnancy,so daily
meeting during this period should be taken,similiarly meeting during or just
after the Bleeding or before the Bleeding time of Menstrual cycle doesnot
result in pregnancy ,not daily meeting even once occasional meeting during this
fertile period may result in pregnancy and even daily meeting maynot result in
pregnancy as we havetold you earlier as Medical Science is a science of many probabilities
and exceptions with presence of Scientic explanation but ofter very hidden and
explained on the platform of Rare and Exception.
During this period male partner should
not masturbate but restore his sperm count in full by resting and building
sperm in Testes in good quantity by excersise and balanced food mixgiving rest to penis and
testes as no excitement before meeting with partner,taking good hygenic food with green vegetables and fruits ,regular exercise
maintaining good physique and health.Similiarly female partner should take good
food and exercise taking good rest.Complete privacy,strong desire and interest
are very important as psychologically happy mood and content releases good
hormones to preserve conception and good ejaculation,penetration and movement
of sperm inside female outlet.Beside good mood and interest for sex ,Four play excitement is also
important, mostly female is a late arouser so male
partner should arose her and then should
perform than immediately jumping due to
prior excitement.
Inspite of good performance due to some
fast procedures andin haste performance and early change of posures and
positions during coitus also result in infertility as Sperm ejaculated inside
vagina cmes out of vagina and doesnot travel requisite path of travelling
through Exteral OS of cervix to cervical canal and then through Int Os to
Uterine cavity and tube to meet Egg.In some cases, as when nature needs a
boost, a little push from you and your partner can go a long way in getting
pregnant. When it comes to the best position to get pregnant, the general rule
is that the male sperm must be deposited as near to the female cervix as

1. The missionary position. Or man-on-top is said to be the position that's best for getting pregnant. This is because this particular position allows for the deepest possible penetration, making it possible for the sperm to get deposited closest to the cervix.
2. Raise the hips. Elevating the hips, which can be done by placing a pillow behind her, can also be helpful because this exposes the female cervix to as much semen as the male can release.
3. Doggy-style. The rear-entry position where the man enters the woman from behind is also a recommended position. In this position, sperm is also deposited closest to the cervix, thereby helping increase the chances of conception.
4. Side-by-side. You can also try having intercourse while lying side by side. This position likewise causes the most exposure of the cervix to the male sperm.
5. Orgasms. Finally, while this has nothing to do with sexual positions, there are also researches that suggest the importance of the female orgasm in conceiving. According to studies, female orgasm leads to contractions that could push sperm up into the cervix. The lesson: have fun while trying to conceive.
Finally after Sex please lie down in back beneath, hips or buttock raised position for atleast 1-2 hrs with or till night before taking other activity.Missing of Period date or over due date is a first sign of pregannacy with later confirmed by urine for pregnancy test,raising B-Hcg level in blood and ultra sound examination with features of nausea or feeling of vomiting,giddiness,vertigo,fullness of breast and congested breast,face and female genitilia and gaining weight are clinical paramet with presentation.either in full or mild form in one or multiple way will establish pregnancy,mere absence of period cannot be taken a gurantee of pregnancy if otherwise supported bymany investigations and clinical presentation as stated above.
Excellent blog,
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