TV,Video,Mobile Phones,Laptops, Desktop, Palmtop Computer,or Film curtains on different LCD,Microchips,Plasma Screen which is also utilised by many devices in Medical field as Multi parameter Monitor,Pulse oximeter, cardiac, Ventilators,Dialysis machine,Ultrasound,Echo,CTSCAN or MRI machine monitors or machine used as navigation purpose by Radar or Air traffacking or Navy trafficking or used in different electronic and non electronic devices and machines and instruments are now part of our modern life.we watch these devices with our open eyes for many hours a day some time very constantly,such a mechanical visualisation of these illuminated devices and their screen cause many ill effects over Eyes.the Rods and Cones, the Retinal cells through which we see a picture or read a text on these devices screen are under all the round on work so easily get fatigues in long term.The screen of Eye ,THE RETINA,The Optical Nerve fibre wchich carries sensation of vision from Retina to Optic centre of Brain both side of Cerebral hemisphere of our brain get exhausted as every living thing like Human being needs rest (as we need sleep and rest) for rejuvenation when chemicals undergoing biochemical changes for carrying this vision get enough energy buildup for next cycle of working .
Secondly as used for long period, without any break lead to so much biochemical changes and some one become irreversible leading to permanant damage or death of Vision cells or retina burning or whole in Retina,Retina detachment, or macular degeneration or damage to optic Nerve leading to permanant blindness because we have not intervened in time or till the time when damage was in reversible stage. Therfore, it is very important to diagnose the damage ongoing in time and take precautions so that never permanant damage takes place.Beside this,it is a general perception that even we visualise these devices screen with faulty means then such damage may occur even if we watch them for a short time as how we watch them,sitting or sleeping,directly or through angles,sitting closely or at a distance,or watching in dark or in good illuminated light,watching it sitting in a room or place or a moving train bus,car or in aeroplane with bumps with specs or with normal eye with very strong color background with twinkling flashing light or a normal white or pale background with production of excessive sounds by these devices,in day time or night or in early morning or in which mental status such as when we are under depression,anger, grief, proud , tension,fear,apprehension,stress and strian or light momment or a serious enviornment and the content of material on these devices also important as they directly influence our day to day activities,knowledge our messages, business or office transactions beside recreation by music songs,video films and other cultural and sports activities.
we know that if we watch or observe Sun with specs or naked eye during sun eclipse our eye may be damaged as some infrared rays or ultrasonic waves are liberated out from sun surface and if they are not being blocked by a special screen of Sun black or brown glass or x-ray used fils ,such rays may damage our retina and even infra red rays emitted by a blast furnace or hot metals or by flashing and twinkling fire crackers may damage our eyes directly in notime,similiary devuces screen of these instrument also eject some rays which are not that strong as Infra red rays but if used long term may harm our eyes,so a Guard by a cellophane paper or plastic material coated with preventing or protecting agent should be used pasted over screen of these devices.
We should watch Tv or computer in sitting position about minimum 1 meter away from these devices if screen is small but if screen is above 14 inches like 36 or 52 inches then we should watch these devices sitting about 6 meter away from these devices.We should watch these devices in sitiing straight before them not through some angles or corner or side vision as they put our Eyes more on strain.We should never watch these devices in sleeping on back or on our beely or head down or very up position as all these position lead to more strain over our Eyes.
we should watch or read or write on these devices constantly for 45-60 min. only after that we should have a break upfor 1-5 min when we should see either a distance or close our eyes or look downwards little in darker area,such break up will give enough relief to our Eyes and they will get proper rest and less damage will occur to them.The TV/Computer should be placed in a well illuminated lighted room or office to watch them in a dark room causes more harm,Tube lights are inferior to speaking bulbs and if we use flash and twinkling images and images moving very fast as videogames they cause more harm or harm in less time ,eye needs more early breakup in these situations.If news or shows or other prgrammes flashing or cracking with sound or with very rapid moving objects then these cause more harm.Beside excessive sound produced over 85 decibles do harm our hearing system and inner ear Labryinth and cochleas as discussed in another topic of "hearing loss by Modern Gadgets".
If TV/Computer are watched or read on rapidly moving Cars/Bus/Trains with bumps on road or track our vission gets disrupted every time our cones and rod cannot fix at a vision or under tight strain so Eyes need more rests and if possible should be avoided if we are using specs either glass or contact lens of high power.Similiarly if our Eyes have got infections like conjunctivits or freign body insertions or Allergic reactions then our Eye cannot bear such high illuminted screen sitting so closely for a long time so in these cases we should not watch these devices.Similiarly if catract (Lens removal by phaco or lens implant or extraction) operation or operation on anterior chamber or vitreous or retina or nerve fibres has been done then we should not watch TV or Computer before allowed by treating Eye surgeon.Similiarly the persons using very high power of lens or spec for near or short vision should always use specs before watching them ,even distant vision patients should also watch tv ,video or cinemas on screen or computer with their specks on their eyes,naked vision may dmage eye sight or increase power of vision .
These damage are more common in children as their eyes are in developmental phases so any such visionary loss is more in these gropups and parents should take more precautions for above precautions when their children watch Tv,Computer,Video screen or mobiles to which many affluent or middle class childrens are alsmost addicted .Youngers or adloscents Eyes also bear excess strain as we sit for excess time watching these devices and gradually power of lens increases and suddely some color blindness or macular degeneration or retinal rupture or vitreous haemorrhage may occur.If we suffer from diabetes or hypertension due to atherosclerosis as diabetic,obeses or smoker patients then micro retinal vessels also get blocked and our Retina gets damaged early if we bear such strain over our Eyes by watching TV/Mobile Computer etc for a long time.These persons should work on these devices for a limited time taking full rest in between with specks and other assistance as advised.Watching TV or working on computer in a domestic flight is permitted but not much in war planes.
It is advisable for children and youngsters who read or prepare examinations sitting long on computer to use it in morning when good day light present and not by awkening in late night study as our eyes has ben exhausted in long day work and if they donot close during normal sleep in night and are allowed to remain open in deep night cause more strss and strain.Parents should monitor the vision of their children normally both for distance,near or color or field vision by an eye surgeon periodically and any change in power should be taken into account and if power rapidly changes or a child complains that his distance or near vision is getting disturbed with existing or no specs he or she must be taken to a EYE clinic,any reddness,pain,defect in vision,haloes in vision,black spots,headache etc should be immediately noticed by aprent on child complain and a thorough Eye refractions,perimetry,Slit lamp and ophtalmoscopic examination of Fundus ,retina and tonometry test should be done to exclude Glacuma along with reading of Ishara Chart for color blindness.
Therfore modern devices TV/COMPUTER/ MOBILE / VIDEO SCREEN/FILM SCREEN ETC are good and have brough a green revolution in our communication,cultural,educational,transport,busines activities and are essential part of our Life but their wise and timely use is mandatory otherwise our vision may be damaged permannatly or partially and our children may be badly affected by our wrong methods and style of watching them and timely intervention will save our vision and protects us from other hearing or mental damage caused by these devices.
Secondly as used for long period, without any break lead to so much biochemical changes and some one become irreversible leading to permanant damage or death of Vision cells or retina burning or whole in Retina,Retina detachment, or macular degeneration or damage to optic Nerve leading to permanant blindness because we have not intervened in time or till the time when damage was in reversible stage. Therfore, it is very important to diagnose the damage ongoing in time and take precautions so that never permanant damage takes place.Beside this,it is a general perception that even we visualise these devices screen with faulty means then such damage may occur even if we watch them for a short time as how we watch them,sitting or sleeping,directly or through angles,sitting closely or at a distance,or watching in dark or in good illuminated light,watching it sitting in a room or place or a moving train bus,car or in aeroplane with bumps with specs or with normal eye with very strong color background with twinkling flashing light or a normal white or pale background with production of excessive sounds by these devices,in day time or night or in early morning or in which mental status such as when we are under depression,anger, grief, proud , tension,fear,apprehension,stress and strian or light momment or a serious enviornment and the content of material on these devices also important as they directly influence our day to day activities,knowledge our messages, business or office transactions beside recreation by music songs,video films and other cultural and sports activities.
we know that if we watch or observe Sun with specs or naked eye during sun eclipse our eye may be damaged as some infrared rays or ultrasonic waves are liberated out from sun surface and if they are not being blocked by a special screen of Sun black or brown glass or x-ray used fils ,such rays may damage our retina and even infra red rays emitted by a blast furnace or hot metals or by flashing and twinkling fire crackers may damage our eyes directly in notime,similiary devuces screen of these instrument also eject some rays which are not that strong as Infra red rays but if used long term may harm our eyes,so a Guard by a cellophane paper or plastic material coated with preventing or protecting agent should be used pasted over screen of these devices.
We should watch Tv or computer in sitting position about minimum 1 meter away from these devices if screen is small but if screen is above 14 inches like 36 or 52 inches then we should watch these devices sitting about 6 meter away from these devices.We should watch these devices in sitiing straight before them not through some angles or corner or side vision as they put our Eyes more on strain.We should never watch these devices in sleeping on back or on our beely or head down or very up position as all these position lead to more strain over our Eyes.
we should watch or read or write on these devices constantly for 45-60 min. only after that we should have a break upfor 1-5 min when we should see either a distance or close our eyes or look downwards little in darker area,such break up will give enough relief to our Eyes and they will get proper rest and less damage will occur to them.The TV/Computer should be placed in a well illuminated lighted room or office to watch them in a dark room causes more harm,Tube lights are inferior to speaking bulbs and if we use flash and twinkling images and images moving very fast as videogames they cause more harm or harm in less time ,eye needs more early breakup in these situations.If news or shows or other prgrammes flashing or cracking with sound or with very rapid moving objects then these cause more harm.Beside excessive sound produced over 85 decibles do harm our hearing system and inner ear Labryinth and cochleas as discussed in another topic of "hearing loss by Modern Gadgets".
If TV/Computer are watched or read on rapidly moving Cars/Bus/Trains with bumps on road or track our vission gets disrupted every time our cones and rod cannot fix at a vision or under tight strain so Eyes need more rests and if possible should be avoided if we are using specs either glass or contact lens of high power.Similiarly if our Eyes have got infections like conjunctivits or freign body insertions or Allergic reactions then our Eye cannot bear such high illuminted screen sitting so closely for a long time so in these cases we should not watch these devices.Similiarly if catract (Lens removal by phaco or lens implant or extraction) operation or operation on anterior chamber or vitreous or retina or nerve fibres has been done then we should not watch TV or Computer before allowed by treating Eye surgeon.Similiarly the persons using very high power of lens or spec for near or short vision should always use specs before watching them ,even distant vision patients should also watch tv ,video or cinemas on screen or computer with their specks on their eyes,naked vision may dmage eye sight or increase power of vision .
These damage are more common in children as their eyes are in developmental phases so any such visionary loss is more in these gropups and parents should take more precautions for above precautions when their children watch Tv,Computer,Video screen or mobiles to which many affluent or middle class childrens are alsmost addicted .Youngers or adloscents Eyes also bear excess strain as we sit for excess time watching these devices and gradually power of lens increases and suddely some color blindness or macular degeneration or retinal rupture or vitreous haemorrhage may occur.If we suffer from diabetes or hypertension due to atherosclerosis as diabetic,obeses or smoker patients then micro retinal vessels also get blocked and our Retina gets damaged early if we bear such strain over our Eyes by watching TV/Mobile Computer etc for a long time.These persons should work on these devices for a limited time taking full rest in between with specks and other assistance as advised.Watching TV or working on computer in a domestic flight is permitted but not much in war planes.
It is advisable for children and youngsters who read or prepare examinations sitting long on computer to use it in morning when good day light present and not by awkening in late night study as our eyes has ben exhausted in long day work and if they donot close during normal sleep in night and are allowed to remain open in deep night cause more strss and strain.Parents should monitor the vision of their children normally both for distance,near or color or field vision by an eye surgeon periodically and any change in power should be taken into account and if power rapidly changes or a child complains that his distance or near vision is getting disturbed with existing or no specs he or she must be taken to a EYE clinic,any reddness,pain,defect in vision,haloes in vision,black spots,headache etc should be immediately noticed by aprent on child complain and a thorough Eye refractions,perimetry,Slit lamp and ophtalmoscopic examination of Fundus ,retina and tonometry test should be done to exclude Glacuma along with reading of Ishara Chart for color blindness.
Therfore modern devices TV/COMPUTER/ MOBILE / VIDEO SCREEN/FILM SCREEN ETC are good and have brough a green revolution in our communication,cultural,educational,transport,busines activities and are essential part of our Life but their wise and timely use is mandatory otherwise our vision may be damaged permannatly or partially and our children may be badly affected by our wrong methods and style of watching them and timely intervention will save our vision and protects us from other hearing or mental damage caused by these devices.
You need to come to America and educate doctors about eyes..