Sex is the need of our Physical,mental and spiritual and social health as important as hunger,thrist, sweating,breathing, heartbeating, movement,perception etc., are important for sustaining a life.Without Sex life cannot come to exist on this universe but its practise is mandatory to continue life in existence but still in our civil society sex  not a topic of discussion in this part of the world. It is considered indecent to openly discuss issues related to sex. Society tries to avoid discussing certain facts about sex and sexuality, which gives rise to misconceptions about sex.To talk about Sex is considered as a starting point of promiscuity or perversion but it is not true rather sex education brings so much education in youngsters as they avoid getting perversion and bad effects of unprotected sex,or ill effects of sex in early teenager age and restrain themselves from indulging in abnormal seual behaviour,practice and paronography,more we cover something ,more is desire of human being to know about it.Therefore some common myths and their correct answer are mentioned below sothat we can know about them and get ourselves educated and donot suffer from mental agony leading to submission to ourselves to quack doctors,self made sexologist,hakims or false advertising medicines which are sold by advertisement in Newspaper,magazines, Tv and electronic media or by open announcement or commercial shops .
Sr. No Myths Facts
1. Men have stronger sexual urges than women. Sexual urge is equal in both the sexes.
2. For sexual satisfaction a couple should have orgasm simultaneously.  It is not necessary for both partners to have simultaneous orgasm during sex. 
3. A woman’s sex life ends with her menopause.  Menopause marks the end of a woman’s reproductive life. Not her sex life. 
4. Wet dreams are experienced only by men. Nocturnal orgasms or wet dreams can be experienced by women as well. 
5. Wet dreams are sexual disorders.    Nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) are not a sign of sexual disorder. They are a part of normal sexual process. 
6. Frequent masturbation makes the penis shrink. The penis does not shrink when men indulge in masturbation.
7. Masturbation leads to nervous breakdown. Masturbation is a normal physiological activity. It is practiced by most of the individuals and does not lead to any abnormal behaviour or nervous breakdown.
8. If men masturbate the fixed quota of semen will be over.  There is no fixed quota of semen. From puberty to death, semen will be produced only if the testicles are healthy.
9. One drop of semen is equivalent to 40 drops of blood. This is not true. Semen is produced by testes, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and not directly by blood.
10. Penis will grow big if you have special food and exercise.  Whatever that is good for other body parts is also good for sex organs.
11. Sex education to youngsters may lead them to promiscuity.   Educating the youngsters on sex and sexual behavior helps them to develop a healthy and positive attitude towards sexuality. Telling them about sex will not lead them to promiscuity. Even without sex education, people indulge in promiscuity. 
12. Venereal disease occurs if you have done some misdeeds. No. venereal disease or infection is an infectious disease produced by infective organisms. These are sexually transmitted infections.
13. Venereal disease is cured if the man has sex with a virgin This is absolutely wrong. Infact the infected person will transmit the disease to the virgin.
14. Only homosexuals practice anal sex.  No. Heterosexuals also practice anal sex.
15. Only perverts have oral sex. Oral sex is a normal act and can be practiced by both partners as long as they are interested and free from infections.
16. If a women cannot conceive she is not a female. Ability to conceive does not determine the feminity of a woman. 
17. Women ejaculate during sexual intercourse. Women do not ejaculate during sexual intercourse.
18. Vasectomy makes a man impotent. Sterilization (vasectomy in male and tubectomy in female) does not diminish sexual desire. In fact, it removes the fear of pregnancy, which in turn may increase sexual desire.
19.Penis size is important for sexual satisfication for both men and women,long,thick,fatty penis is made by using some oil over it or taking medicines.
Vagina's first 2inch is only sensitive part so a 2inch size penis is enough to satisfy a female(A normal penis is 4-6 inches in size )For male size is not important for satisfication,erection and then time interval needed for ejaculation provide satisfication,both by good counselling and practising advise can be corrected,no medicine or oil for message increase size of Penis or increase time interval between erection andejaculation.Onlyin some patients of Erectile Disorder(ED)Viagra or Sildenafil or Tadalafil is important for erection only,in normal person it doesnot have any effect on early or sustained erection.In female it doesnot work,neither it inreases sustainability or delay in ejaculation,no medicines has ben formulated for these, psychocounselling and performance under guidance of expert bring miraculous chang.
20.Libido or desire for Sex is incresed by medicines.No such medicines has been invented,only by psychological counselling and performance under expert guidance with regular pratice brings forth good result with caring of enviornmental,familial ,religious and social factors being controlled and checked.
21.woman has got no sex during Menstrual period,women are bad during this time so donot touch or sex with them during this time.Menstruation is a physiological process where  dYING OVUM IS EXPELLED BY UTERUS ,so sex is safe during this period as no chnce of getting pregnancy ,if practiced with protection it neither increase infection nor cause more bleeding in women ,women is as normal in mens as in other day.
22.Sex should not be practised after 50 or later age as it causes cancer or injuries to genitilia.Sex should be practised whenever Body demands it after menopause vagina may be dry soft lubricant jelly bring relief ,Sex burns some energy so it is also a n exercise secondly it binds or emotional relations more closely so needed to maintain famililial and social fabrics.
23.Copper-T or IUDS and Contraceptive Pills  are bad as sexual performance is diminished .IUDS and contraceptive pills are safe contraceptive except for bleeding slight excessive during mens by iUDS  in some woman and contraceptive pills doing rare damage in heart or jaundice patients they donot cause any harm in sexuality or sex performance in male or female.
24.To have sex with children is more pleasant ,no Children exteral genitilia(Vagina/Anus ) is not roomy or of good size(Small Penis) either to receive or offer sex so any practice with them by an adult result in tear of these parts leading to very sever bleeding and seroius pain resulting into death of child,so never dot it is a heinous crime.
25.Abnormal sex as sex by using candle,Vibrating toys or penis or plastic baloons or pumps or with animals is very soothing and enjoyable.No extra pleasure is received by these,normal sex in different postions and style are enough to provide satisfication even to regular and habitual users,for starter simple sex is enjoyable,never submit to these perversions.
26.Sex under intoxication of Alchohol or drugs / smoking  is more satisfactory and rejoiable.Alcohol / intoxication  badly affects our coordination and synerism so sexual performance is always of low grade and satisfication.
27.Pornography,videowatching increases sexual libido or desire,in normal life excitement is easily achieved by eye or body contact with partners or otherwise talk and enviornment,these thing may excite early but leads to early discharge resulting in unsatisfication as most time goes without foreplay and one partner is over and another may be under no excitement.
28.Torturing partner by excessive biting,deep penetration,binding partner with wire or chain or injuring by cigratte or by nedles or very abnormal positions give good satisfication and pleasure,no thease are simple perversions they donot have any place in normal sexual behaviour and satisfication,t hese are excesses leading to so many physicial and social hazards,never submit to them or practise them.
29.Young widows and prostitutes are more sexy and sex them provide more enjoy.Widows are part of our society and as good woman as other normal married or spinister woman,no body should be allowed to be remain widow in modern society or even they exist ,one should never think to sex with them against their desire,nothing special present in them.Prostitute whther in compulsion or with will is a crime ,never more sexual pleasure is received from them as mostly sex in in bad enviornment but habitual prostitute may provide some sex therapy if interested to do so as psychological counsellor in countries where prostitution is allowed legally.but it is still crime in our country .
30.Gays and lesbians get more pleasure and enjoyment ,in our society still it is not taken as good practise although these are not now considered as law breakers but one thing is sure Sex is accepted in our society to run progeny or continue human generation so on these points these have got no role ,pleasure is always in male to female or opposite sex if you get it otherwise it may be individual test but collectively no such pleasure present in such activities .
**writer is HIV/AIDS and Sex Specialist.
